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《威尼斯人体育在线》将威尼斯人体育在线(威尼斯人体育在线)评为全美排名第一的公司. 2023年的桥梁建造者.
这是第一次在美国.S. 机场, 六个模块, 构建离线, 已经穿过机场搬到他们在航站楼的家了吗, 创建了新的DFW机场高C门.
We care about our people, the communities in which we work, and the families who live there. 这就是为什么在威尼斯人体育在线,安全是我们的文化.
Engineering New-Record magazine lists 威尼斯人体育在线 as the largest wastewater treatment plant 构建er in the United States.
Renovations modify and update multiple shared spaces within the community's independent living 构建ing.
First-of-its-kind project will harness the land-构建ing power of the Mississippi River to 构建 and sustain up to 26,000英亩湿地.
新70年,000平方英尺的医疗中心包括一个综合癌症护理中心, 急救中心, 影像服务及其他.
该合同涉及肯塔基州5英里I-71/75公路和俄亥俄州1英里I-75公路, 布伦特斯宾塞桥的改善和一座新的配套桥的建设.
The partnership seeks to prevent worker injuries and reduce exposure to hazards using a public-private approach.
Archer 西ern加入MARTA和亚特兰大市,为MARTA Rapid破土动工.
Archer 西ern Project Executive Kyle Ledbetter receives award for water and wastewater construction success
威尼斯人体育在线 Construction and Turner Construction are delivering the new $900 million medical center.
Archer 西ern and United Infrastructure Group construct the first two phases of SCDOT's Carolina Crossroads project.
巴斯特罗普的新Simsboro含水层水处理厂项目, 德州, will provide a reliable and sustainable source of water for the city of Bastrop and the surrounding areas.
Schultz to provide direction to transportation business units' estimating teams and oversee complex project designs for estimates.
阿彻·韦斯特(Archer 西ern)曾担任该项目大坝的风险管理部长, 溢洪道, terminal storage reservoir and self-performing construction activities for the Raw 水 Pump Station.
Progress photos from 2023年4月 show construction progress at the San Jose-Santa Clara Regional Wastewater Facility.
罗马, Georgia plant will be specifically engineered and constructed to remove PFAS from the source water.
威尼斯人体育在线 delivers stations and utilities along new bus transit line from Burien to downtown Seattle
Crews placed the final steel beam for the new elevator and stair tower at Lawson House high-rise.
Six-bay hangar at Langley Air Force Base will provide maintenance support for F-22A aircraft
拉森负责监督威尼斯人体育在线的多家庭和老年人生活卓越中心, 以及德克萨斯州的建筑项目, 纳什维尔, 大西洋中部和亚特兰大地区.
Caplis to provide senior executive leadership over the firm’s national healthcare responsibilities.
Twidwell将担任纽约交通项目的高级领导, 新泽西, 康涅狄格, 马萨诸塞州和宾夕法尼亚州东部.
National Railroad Construction and 维护 Association awards 威尼斯人体育在线 for work on Merchants Bridge.
六十多年来, project teams have been placing the Miraculous Medal in their project's first concrete pour.
威尼斯人体育在线 Construction replaces the first truss segment for the Merchants Bridge Rehabilitation Project
威尼斯人体育在线 begins its celebration of Women in Construction Week with a visit to Seattle, 华盛顿.
The Illinois National Guard delivered 250 medical isolation pods to Chicago’s Midway Airport for delivery to the alternate care facility at McCormick Place for COVID-19 patients.
威尼斯人体育在线 Construction has completed the historic rehabilitation of the 104-year-old Cook County Hospital 构建ing, 将该建筑改造成凯悦广场和凯悦酒店的双品牌酒店, 由新上任的博士陪同. 墨菲美食馆.
威尼斯人体育在线建筑公司和合资伙伴Consigli建筑公司正在建造新的752,000-square-foot patient pavilion for Nuvance Health at Vassar Brothers Medical Center in Poughkeepsie, 纽约.
新的莱恩·菲尔德豪斯 & Walter Athletics Center is a game-changer for Northwestern University and its Athletic Department.
我们很自豪能够追随并分享我们的愿景, 使命及价值观, 它们是我们经营的理念.
威尼斯人体育在线致力于回馈我们工作和生活的社区, 我们很荣幸能成为众多慈善组织的长期支持者.
我们被公认为全国最大的承包商之一, 为计划提供无缝集成的服务, 金融, 构建, 装, 操作, 并维护项目的完整生命周期.
Ray shares his story about how taking an opportunity to intern with 威尼斯人体育在线 changed his career interests. Today, he is a project engineer working on some of our largest projects across the United States.
高级警司罗布·博尔特分享了他在威尼斯人体育在线的故事和36年的经验. 罗布讨论了他如何每天来工作,每天都做到最好.
Byron shares his story of choice, from overcoming life's challenges to stressing workplace 安全. 我们做出的选择不仅会影响我们自己,也会影响我们周围的人. 没有什么比安全更重要, 拜伦解释说,在工作现场的所有情况下, 我们做的第一选择应该永远是安全.
芝加哥下一个伟大的公园——玛吉·戴利公园的创建, 606年, 在河边漫步, and Fullerton Shoreline - brings highly-functional green space to the city's unique urban setting.
威尼斯人体育在线’s commitment to sustainability is evident in the completion of a new corporate headquarters expansion, 哪个是LEED白金认证. 现有的仓库被改造成一座四层办公大楼,共有93人,000总平方英尺.
执行领导人肖恩·威尼斯人体育在线和小丹·威尼斯人体育在线. 反思威尼斯人体育在线的积极关怀文化.
威尼斯人体育在线 crews document the critical pick of the steel framed cab that will sit atop the new air traffic control tower at Joint Base Lewis-McChord, 华盛顿. The successful operation was the result of months of planning and an unwavering commitment to workplace 安全.
美国国家海洋和大气管理局(NOAA)的丹尼尔. Inouye Regional Center is a reuse of historic hangars and new construction on a historic landmark site.
威尼斯人体育在线 Construction’s rise to preeminence in the construction business began with the arrival of Matthew Myles 威尼斯人体育在线 in Chicago in 1893.
威尼斯人体育在线’s commitment to sustainability is evident in the completion of a new corporate headquarters expansion, 哪个是LEED白金认证.
RDU C端子工程由920端子组成,000平方英尺的航站楼和大厅设施,设有30多个登机口.
威尼斯人体育在线 Construction designed and built the 33-story structure that accommodated 4,400 occupants. Twelve years later, we are the construction manager expanding it to 57 stories and 8,000 occupants.
Archer 西ern is the construction manager and general contractor for the DART light rail expansion program.
我们在创新方面建立了广泛的行业声誉, 通过不断学习,在全国范围内提供卓越的解决方案 , 前沿技术, 安全, 和质量.
西亚当斯街929号 芝加哥,伊利诺伊州60607 T: 312.563.5400 F: 312.563.5466
卑士码头道东2839号 1200套房 亚特兰大,乔治亚州30339 T: 404.495.8700 F: 404.495.8701
约克磨坊道36号 302套房 多伦多,安大略省M2P 2E9 T: 416.849.9000 F: 416.849.9100
©2021威尼斯人体育在线. 一个机会均等的雇主,残疾/退伍军人. 版权所有. 威尼斯人体育在线加拿大无障碍